Download hike messenger application by using the following hike links for any mobile device, either to your mobile phone or your tablet, or even your personal computer, PC and Mac using an emulator. The application already reached to millions of likes, while it is available on different application markets including Google play, iOS, blackberry and Windows mobile phone.
Mobile Version
not available for Amazon Phone
not available for Firefox OS
not available for Samsung Bada
Tablet Version
not available for Amazon Tablet
not available for Firefox Tablet
Desktop Version
not available for Windows PC
not available for Mac OS
not available for Linux
(You should need this emulator for desktop devices. Emulator for PC & Mac is Bluestacks )
Hike CEO says, Messenger App is much cooler than Airtel! The founder of Hike Messenger app and his son, who is the […]
Hike Messenger History Hike Messenger which was founded by Kavin Bharti Mittal […]
Hike Messenger Version 2.9.4 is Here! Hike Messenger is an Indian based mobile application which […]
The New Hike Messenger Updates Are Perfect For 2018 Hike has just introduced a new feature called Hike ID, […]
Download Hike and Check Digital Payment Wallet out On its way to become an all-in-one social app rather than […]
Hike Messenger app will be used for Shopping very soon Hike Messenger app may soon allow users to make payments […]